🚧 Work in progress.
If you have become familiar with the essentials of SuperMemo and would like to go further, this page contains a variety of paths to explore.
These in-depth learning guides introduce advanced techniques for maximizing your learning potential.
Using incremental reading to go through the incremental learning guide is one of the best ways to quickly gain in proficiency with SuperMemo and learning techniques.
The official recommendations[1] for processing the incremental learning guide is to splinter the entire manual into 340 daily tips:
to highlight the Split article option, and press Enter.Your current speed of learning and level of proficiency are largely irrelevant. If you process one per day, you will be done in a year.
If you get 1% better each day, in comparison with today, you will be 37.78 times better in one year.
The secret to good life is constant, incremental progress.
You can speed up the processing of important facts even further by postponing low-priority articles to later dates or by reducing their priority with Alt + P.
Learning is your own journey, these are some paths you might consider exploring.
Pick up new insights by reading other users’ experiences.